Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Camp

This is our camp. Here you can chat with other cats and play in the tall grass.


  1. *Birdstar and her mate Firestorm trot into the clearing. The two sit in the tall grass.*

    Well Firestorm... our kits are growing up

    Yes it's almost their time to become apprentices...

    I know. Who should we choose for mentors?

    *Sigh* It's hard to say we have so many worthy warriors...

    True *Birdstar purrs* the more the merrier!

    *Firestorm chuckles* Yes! Yet who should we choose?

    I believe we should choose some of our Head Warriors.

    Yes , but we should leave some so the younger warriors have help when needed

    My personal opinion is that Mudblossom should mentor Mintkit, Brightflower to mentor Gingerkit, Graymoon to Cherrykit, and Bluepelt to Stormkit. What say you?

    Good! That should be it! When should we hold the ceremony? At the end of this twelve moons?

    Good idea! I believe we should get the arrangements going!

    *The two cats walk back to the leaders den*

  2. here it is! is it not beautiful?

  3. Wow it sure is! Hey who's that *points at a blue gray tom*?

  4. Oh him? Yeah that's Freezepool our deputy! And that *points at a gray tom* is Graymoon he's going to be my mentor!

  5. Um mentor?

  6. Oh mentor! Yeah that means he's going to train me as a warrior *looks at Graymoon proudly*! He's great I bet he's one of the best warriors in the clan! Besides my dad!

  7. Wow cool! Your Dad must be great! Where is he?

  8. Over there *flicks here tail at the ginger tabby tom*! Oh look here he's coming over!

  9. Cherrykit! *reachs down and nuzzles his daughter* Who's this?

  10. Oh this is Birchkit he's new!

  11. Hi *looks up shyly at the handsome tom*!

  12. Hello! I see Cherrykit is showing off the camp eh? *purrs*

  13. Yeah! It's awesome!

  14. Good now I'll leave you to it!

  15. Bye dad! Anyhow I'll show you the rest if the camp and the territory! Come on!

  16. Yeah ok! *follows the pretty she-cat*

  17. Hey Birdstar!? I thought you said that Thunderstorm could mentor Cherrykit! Lightningpaw is ready for his warrior name, Lightningstrike now! Thanks!

    (btw, get on Eagleclan more please!)

  18. Sorry I forgot about that yeah you can mentor her! Oh and I will!

  19. If you want to join my wolf pack go to http://mountainpack.blogspot.com

    Thanks a ton Birdstar you've inspired me a bunch,
