Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Medicine Cat Den

This is the Medicine Cat Den. They sleep on the moss in the back behind the waterfall. Come here if you are hurt feeling sick, expecting kits, ext. If you wish you can bring Fernsong and Sandpaw some fresh-kill or some herbs you collected.

~Alder Bark-used for tooth aches or jaw pain.

~Aloe Vera-Speeds up the healing of topical wounds, relieves heartburn and indigestion, and also works as a laxative if consumed regularly.

~Anise- Gets rid of bad smelling breath.

~Ash Tree-New shoots are to be eaten, and chewed to ward off the effects of a adder. Seeds of the Ash tree may also be consumed to relieve a cramp in ones side.

~Borage Leaves-one of the best things to give to a cat with a fever, and Helps nursing queens produce milk

~Broken Rosemary Blossoms-Used to heal eye infection or to cover up wounds around the eyes or eyelids.

~Broom Poultice- a combination of different herbs, used to treat wounds and broken legs.

~Burdock Root-Given to a cat with a rat bite (A root that is chewed up and given to a cat)

~Cat Nip- Given to a cat with GreenCough or BlackCough(A a green plant that is chewed up and distributed-it has a flavorful aroma)

~Celandine- Given to a cat with pain in the eyes.

~Charmoline-Given to a cat to help "Calm the Mind" or soothe the stomach(A type of plant that is chewed up and distributed)

~Chevril-the juice of the leaves heals infected wounds, and if you chew the root it helps bellyache (A helpful plant, leaves and root can be chewed up and distributed)

~Colt's foot-used to treat kit cough, Also used to help stimulate breating.

~Cob Webs-Given to a cat to help stop the bleeding(of a wound etc.)~(A wad of cobwebs is pressed onto the wound or cut)

~Comfrey-When chewed into a poultice and applied, can clear up pretty much any skin irritation, including burns, cuts and mosquito bites.

~Crushed Iris Petals-Used to stimulate breathing during the birthing process. This can also be used for kit’s sore throats.

~Crushed Pawpaw Roots-Used for kitten cough, which threatens only kittens.~Daisy Leaves-Given to a cat with joint pain.

~Death Berries-Deadly poisons masked in scarlet red. STAY AWAY!(three can kill even the strongest warrior)

~Dock Leaves-lubricant, makes things slippery, also used for joint pains.

~Feverfew-Used to reduce fever, combined with lavender to calm nerves and cure chill.

~Ginger- Good for curing stomache aches.

~Goldenrod-Used to treat wounds and to ease pain.

~Horsetail-helps prevent infection, and used to soothe and heal infected wounds.

~Juniper Berries-Given to a cat with a bellyache, also used for cough, and to help a cat breath easier.

~Lavender-combined with feverfew to cure chills.

~Marigold Leaves-Helps heal wounds (also relieves pain)

~Mouse Bile-Given to a cat with ticks~(A wad of moss soaked in mouse bile is distributed to tick infested area, sooner or later the ticks drop off)

~Peathingy Flower Petals-Used to help a kit with kitten cough. Will help to clear clogged throats and nasal passages.

~Poppy Seeds-Given to a cat to ease the pain, or help them sleep~(Seeds shaken from a poppy plant and licked up)

~Sage-The roots are used for cracked pads. Use with poppy seads.

~Snapdragon Seeds-Used to clear up ringworm and to help rid the body of fleas.

~Sugar Berries-Have no medical properties, but can trick ticks into eating something not so tasty. Are easily mistaken for deathberries, but can be determined by the fact that birds can eat them, while they usually stay away from deathberries.

~Tansy-Relieves a cough.

~Thinned Out Heather Down-Used to help with the indigestion of a kit. It will help to line a kit’s stomach, and absorb the juices that produce the uncomfortable feeling.

~Thyme-Given to a cat in a state of shock, helps to cure shock~(A useful plant which is chewed up and distributed)~

Water Mint-Used to cure bellyache. Found near marshy land and water.

~Willow Leaves and Bark-Water from beneath the bark of the flowering willow may be put into the eyes to help clear clouding of vison. It also cures itches.Small ammounts of Willow Bark may be eaten as a pain killer. It will also help cure fevers.

~Windflower Shoots-Used for stomach cramps, such as cramps that came when a she-cat becomes pregnant.

~Yarrow-Given to a cat to make them sick~(A certian type of leaf/herb which is chewed up and distribute


  1. Hello Fernsong hello Sandpaw! I was just going to tell you that I made a herb field and that is where you can collect herbs!

  2. Sandpaw I am going to collect some Poppy Seeds we are running low.Stay here to keep and eye on the clan.

  3. *puts down the catmint,poppy seeds and borage*Sandpaw put these herbs in the right pile and I am going to check on Songmist and her kits.

  4. Hello Fernsong! Hey Sandpaw! I caught you guys a mouse it's huge isn't it? Now I got to drop these off for Songmist and Frosttail *indicatesd the sparrow and squirrel*. bye!

  5. Fernsong I need travling herb for pantherpaw, sunpaw, and I I'm visiting the Moonpool *takes three leaves and drops one in frount of Pantherpaw and Sandpaw and gulps down the herb* let's go!

  6. Hmm If you need help figuring out any prophecy or anything.We'll be happy to help.It will be good practice for Sandpaw too.Thanks for the mouse!

  7. Thanks Fernsong!

  8. Fernsong, do you need me to collect anything?


  9. Hmm Let me check.*looks through herb stores.I think we need more cobwebs.There should be some near the abondend twoleg nest.Take a warrior or apprentice with you.

  10. Oh and Sandpaw would you mind colledcting some borage for Leopardstar?

  11. *Drops burdock root, squirrel, and pidgeon in the medicine den.* Fernsong, Sandpaw! I brought you some herbs and fresh kill!

  12. Thank you Willowmoon.*puts vurdock root in the herb store and eats the squirrell*

  13. Fernsong may I have some borage leaves my kits are due really soon!

  14. Yes you can.
    *rumages through herbs and pulls out borage*
    Here you go.

  15. Fernsong! Fernsong! I found this she cat over by the sunning rocks. She seemed badly hurt and confused. I had to drag her back to camp. She's not a clan cat, by the smell of it, and she needs help.

  16. [Hawk wakes suddenly.] What happened..? I was...at that warm rock..and I slipped? Yes..Uhm, excuse. [Pokes the fiery orange cat] How did I get here?

  17. Hello young one what brings you here *the terrified kit looks up at her*? It's all right *gives the kit comforting licks* you're welcome here. Let me get you some fresh-kill and some moss and you can tell me what happened

  18. Here you are *drops the moss and mouse at her paws. Sets the moss into a pile for Hawkkit and gives her the mouse*! How did you get here?

  19. I don't know, exactly..I've been lost for a while. I found this eally warm rock, but then I can't remember... [She flicks her ears] And then I woke up and slipped down the rock into the stream..[Pads in circles on the moss] THat's all I remember

  20. Thank you Hawkkit I'll let you get some rest if you remember anything tell me !

  21. [Tries to bite into the mouse] Uhm..Mah teef ah stuck

  22. [Messes with the mouse until the shekit unsticks her teeth] [Giggles] Thank you, Leopardheart. [Curls up on the moss and falls asleep.]

  23. Oh great starclan what next! *Gently prises her teeth off the mouse* hmm I bet it was too big for you. *uses her craws to brake up the mouse into smaller bites* try again

  24. [Wakes up and eats the little pieces of mouse] Wow!! That's the best thing ever!!

  25. *Chuckles* She's a fiesty little kit. Maybe I could take care of her...

  26. [Looks up at the calico cat] Take care of me?? What will we do? [Jumps up and runs to Willowmoon]

  27. Well, I could take you swimming, climbing trees, show you the herb field, take you to see a waterfall, maybe even to fish, gather moss, and even, if you want, back to the Sunning Rock.

  28. I could even be her mentor when she's ready.

  29. That's wonderful Willowmoon thank you!

  30. Oooh! Really?? Ok, let's go! [Runs out of the den]

  31. You're welcome! So, Hawkkit, where do you want to go first?

  32. Uhm uhm uhm...Swimming? [Bounces around]

  33. It looks like you two will have an awesome time I've got to get off right now see you later!!

  34. Then follow me to the Fern Creek!

  35. [Pads in circles on the moss and lays down asleep]

  36. Hawkkit, if you're here, would you like to go to the Sky Maple, where I can show you how to climb or sharpen your climbing skills. I'll be there.

  37. Or, if you want, we can go to the old abandoned twoleg nest and we can play hide and seek and i can teach you a little bit about herbs (my knowledge is limited),or we can see what we can find. Who knows?

  38. This is the medicine cat den you come here when you're sick...

    Yuck it smells funny in here!

    Yes Maplekit that's because of all the herbs...

    Oh what are herbs...

    They are things the Medicine cat gives you when you're sick...

    *snorts* I bet I'll never have to eat herbs I'm too big!

    Sure Stormkit! *leaps on to him and nips his ears*

    *Let's out a mrow of laughter*! Oh kits what will I do with you!

    Come on Mommy I want to see the rest of the camp!

    Alright then.... to the warrior's den!

    Yea! Lets go!

  39. Willowmoon and MistpawAugust 16, 2009 at 4:27 PM

    *Drags Nightpaw in with Mistpaw* Fernsong! Please help Nightpaw! *Nightpaw is covered in blood and is barely breathing. His left back leg appears to be broken/shattered, so are some ribs, and possibly his back. His back may or may not be broken*
    We got attacked by badgers, and Nightpaw got the worst of it, all because two more badgers appeared over the hill in the herb meadow. *Is desolate with grief* Will he recover and live? He's my brother.
    *Licks the top of Mistpaw's head and comforts her* Here. Have some fresh-kill. I hope he lives...
    *Mistpaw and Willowmoon exit the den*

  40. Ok don't worry you two he'll be ok. I have some knowledge of herbs now lets see...

    We need some Cob Webs to stop the bleeding *applies and the bleeding stops*

    I'll use some wet moss to clean off the dried blood *gently cleans the wounds*

    Some Horsetail to help with the small infected area by his shoulder *applies the horsetail*

    Some Golden Rod to help it heal and for pain *applies*

    *Sets up a nest full of the softest moss and ferns in the forest and gently lifts him on to the nest*

    Hmmm about his broken ribs and leg I think I'll make a splint for him.

    *Take a flat piece of wood free of splinters places it on the back of his back leg and wraps long thick pieces of grass around it and it created a neat cast*.

    Well he's in the paws of Starclan now that's all I can do....

    *prays to Starclan*

    Please let him be alright please don't let him die!

    *A gust of wind flows through the den and a familiar sent reaches her nose*...


    Yes Leopardstar....

    Will he live?

    Yes! *purrs*

    *A silvery orb appears and floats toward Nightpaw. The Orb flows into Nightpaw and his body gives a gasp of air and he resumes normal breathing all his broken bones and cuts heal instantly and the sent of Paleflower disappears*.

    *Murmers to Nightpaw's sleeping body*

    You were very brave young Nightpaw...

    *gives the young apprentice a swift lick, tucks her tail neatly over her paws and waits for him to rouse*

  41. Oh Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!!
    *Presses muzzle into Leopardstar's fur*
    Thank you. But will his bruised back heal, and will he be able to train as a warrior apprentice? Thanks again.
    Huh? What happened...? Mistpaw? Willowmoon?
    NIGHTPAW!!!! *Runs to him and gently presses her muzzle into his fur* Oh Nightpaw! You're alive!
    Nightpaw....*Is too chocked up with emotion for words, instead star to lick him*

  42. Leopardstar, I'm worried. What if the badgers come in and attack us? I have a strange, strong feeling they will....*Willowmoon's eyes get cloudy and a voice that isn't hers issues from her mouth*
    "Beware a greater threat
    One that stalks with grace and elegance
    With the help of Mist
    Have the power to stop this coming darkness."
    And Willowmoon collapsed.

  43. [Stands up and stretches, then looks around] Willowmoon?! [Runs to the collasped cat] Willowmoon, Willowmoon??? Are you ok?? [Licks the she cats head] Fernsong?? Leopardheart! Anybody!! Willowmoon, she! She's just lying here?? Help?!?!? [Looks around the den, sniffing each herb] They gave me some sort of seed to make me sleep...It also stopped my hurting...Does Willowmoon need that? [Flicks her ears furiously] Please, someone come help!

  44. Hello? Willowmoon, please wake up!! [Shakes the cat vigorously]

  45. Willowmoon...Her fur is cold...[Nestles into her belly to keep her warm] Please Willowmoon, don't die..You're my only friend here. All of The other kits ran anyway from me! [Nestles closer to Willowmoon] Please? You would, I think you called it, mennor me?? When I was old enough?? I'd like that much! Wake up!!!!

  46. Wha...where am I? What happened? *looks up then finds Hawkkit nestled beside her, and purrs weakly* I'm not dead. Yet. I'm fine, just exausted. I think I'm going to need to sleep it off.*Begins to lick Hawkkit* I'm fine. Now I*yawns* I think I need to go to sleep... *She curls up, sweeping Hawkkit closer, and then the gentle rising of her flank says she's still breathing*

  47. Mistpaw and NightpawAugust 17, 2009 at 11:05 AM

    Oh Mum...You gave us a scare!
    *Snores gently*

  48. [Dreams]

    [She's in a cold, dark forest; the only light is the glowing fungus]

    Wh-where am I?

    Hello small one.

    [Spins around]

    Who are you?!?!?!

    [There's only shadows behind her. There's only shadows everywhere!]

    [Huddles into a ball, shaking with fear]

    Sh-show yourself!!

    I cannot show something that no longer exists.

    What do you mean?!

    You know who I am, Hawk. You know what happened to me.

    [The shekit begins to recognise the voice...]


    You left me Hawk. You left your ONLY mother.

    No! I-But-It wasn't my fault! I-I got lost!

    And you left me to die, trampled by the hairy beasts of behind the fence.

    Do you mean that was my fault?!?!

    You loosened the gate! You set them free, you set them free just so you could escape me. You LONGED so much, everyday to be let go. I always said no, but you've gone too far this time!

    Mama, no!

    [The shadows start to close in, Hawkkit being left in nothing but darkness. Her last cry echoes into the nothingness.]

    I didn't do it!

  49. Willowmoon, That.... no I'm mean we have to prepare the clan.... I need to call a meeting... oh and the kits the mustn't know.. Oh my... well... I... *regains her voice*. Nightpaw will be able to train Paleflower may have cured him but he needs rest tell me when he has recovered!
    *mutters softly* But what darkness...

  50. Oh Hawkkit. Are you okay? And Nightpaw's almost well. Just 1 more day of rest. *comforts Hawkkit*

  51. [Looks around] Are you here now? Another cat got on..

  52. [Sighs] I guess you're not. [Trots out of the den, weary from her dream. She mumbles to herself...] I didn't do it..Did I..? I can't...remember..Papa always tried to figure out how to open the gate...Did he? No, he wouldn't do that. Geez, I can't figure out right now. [Heads to entrance to the camp]

  53. Hi Hawkpaw. Go to my blog it's much better.

  54. Willowmoon, are you here? I want to go do something with you!

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. Join Moonclan at:

  57. Darn typos! Well i'm Moonclan's med. cat now! So, Fernsong, how are you? If you need more herbs i'll be more than welcome to share!

  58. Willowmoon is seriously hurt by a badger!

  59. [Drags Willowmoon in] Willowmoon got hurt in the fight! Fernsong? Beewing!? Help!

  60. [Pushes Thunderstorm and Willowfeather in, exhausted. Willowmoon's motionless body is still sitting on the floor. Only her flank rises and falls.] THese two were hurt as well...Please help...

  61. Dovetail walks in. HAWKPAW?? WHATS WRONG??!

  62. Runs over to Thunderstorm and Willowfeather.

  63. sees that they are bleeding gets web puts on wounds bleeding stops.

  64. puts horsetail on wounds. Hmm broken paw looks at willowfeahter. Poor thing. :( puts broom poultice on leg.


  66. No wait its Willowfeather sorry again!

  67. *stirs in sleep*

    *opens eyes*

    huh where am I??

    *is surrounded by tall trees*

    Hello Willowfeather

    Huh?? Whos that?!

    Think hard

    Umm... are you my mother!?!

    Yes I am Willowfeather

    Where are you? Show your self please!

    I am with Starclan now my dear Willowfeather

    Starclan? Wait does that mean im dead? I dont want to die yet!!

    No your not dead Willowfeather,I just wanted to see you

    Well I guess its nice HEARING you...I wish I could smell your senct on last time.

    You will soon...

    *voice fades away*

    *Willowfeather wakes up in cold sweat*

  68. *is in land of swirling mist*
    Huh? Where am I...? *a voice begans to speak* You will never wake up until it's too late...*the world starts to fade, leaving Willowmoon to notohing but the blackness of a dreamless sleep*

  69. [Wakes up. Willowfeather and Thunderstorm are gone. Willowmoon is still in the den...] Willowmoon..? [Shakes her] Hey, Willowmoon, wake up..[Willowmoon continues to sleep.] I guess I'll go back and join the battle then. [Runs off towards herb field]

  70. [Hawkstar, I can't post on your blog anymore! GET THE NAME/URL AND ANONYMOUS OPTION BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!] }:( }:( }:( }:( }:( :_( :_( :_( :_( :_(

  71. [Willowmoon's Dream in Memory Focus]

    *laughter* Bet you can't catch me! *a white kit runs ahead of Willowmoon's kit self* i bet I can!!!! *the memory dream fades away to a new picture* Why....*a strange she kit is crouched over the body of a snow white kit by the side of a black path while strange creatures roar by, and Willowmoon's kit self feels grief as well as confusion* Moma...? *the strange she cat is blurry, and she cant make her out* Momma! Flake! Wait!!!! *Willowmoon's kit self begans to cry, and Willowmoon wakes up*

  72. Willowmoon! Oh Willowmoon! Please whats wrong?! *Her voice cracks under the strain and a tear seeps down her cheek* Where does it hurt?

  73. Willowmoon looks at Birdstar strangely.
    Flake? Is that you? Are you okay? What happened? Why are you looking at me strangly? Is something wrong with me? Where's......*Willowmoon rambles on, asking strange questions*

  74. *limps over* I think Momma's mind is broken, and you'll have to fix it. My hind leg feels funny, as well as my chest. i think my bones broke. can you help me please? *winces*

  75. Oh Mistpaw you look dead on your feet rest please and it's no good looking at me like that *her eyes grow stern as Mistpaw looks at her incredulously*. You must rest please sleep I will help your mother as well as well as I can... *a tear runs down Mistpaw's face* It will be alright Mistpaw *she holds Mistpaw close and licks her for-head*. You can rest here if you want *sets up a nest for the tiered apprentice*... Oh and for you well lie down I think you broke a rib I think I can bind something around your chest to hold the bones together.... No you won't have to wear it forever just until the bones heal *Birdstar wraps many long thick leaves around her chest. Then uses sap to bind it making a neat binding.* And for your hind leg I will make a splint *takes a smooth piece of wood and places it behind her leg then uses the same kind of leaves that we used to bind her chest, wraps them around Mistpaw's leg making a nice splint*. There eat some poppy seeds they will help you sleep. Now about your mother I think she needs some thyme for her shock and some sleep so poppy-seeds. I can't promise any thing, but this might work....Now please get some sleep... *Mistpaw curls up as Birdstar feeds Willowmoon the herbs*

  76. *yawns* i'm telling you, Momma's mind is broken........*falls asleep while silent tears run down her cheeks*

  77. *pads into the den* *speaks softly* Birdstar, Mistpaw, Willowmoon. i brought you some fish.

  78. *pads in and drops three chipmunk, a rabbit, and two fish in front of the injured cats. Settles down by Thunderstorm, and drifts in to sleep.*


  79. *stirrs. stretches and yelps painfully. Limps over and gulps a chipmunk down, the starts treating the cats wounds.*

  80. Hello every one. Mistpaw, is Willowmoon feeling better? I wanted her to feel better in time for you and your brother's warrior ceremony....

  81. *voice cracks* I don't think so. S-she's gotten worse, i think. *the cats listen to Willowmoon meandering on an on* I-I son' think momma will ever get better. And she doesn't even regconize me! *bursts into tears, and sobs*

    [her warrior name will be Mistrose]

  82. *comforts Mistpaw*

    [his warrior name will be Nightfrost]

  83. [Hears sorrowful wailing and peeks in] What's the matter? [Sees Mistpaw and Nightpaw cuddled together and Willowmoon rambling on and on about something she doesn't know about]

    Is Willowmoon ok?

    Her mind is broken...

    What do you mean broken?

    Listen to her.

    Flake? Stop looking at me like that! Where'd moma go? What are those monsters on the stinky black path? Flake, let's go play while moma sleeps. Wanna go..

    [Pdds in front of Willowmoon. She stares at her blankly.]

    Yay! Moma's back!

    No, Willowmoon. It's me, Hawkpaw. Remember?

    Moma, what's a hawk-paw? Hawk's don't have paws!

    [Looks at Willowmoon, concerned. There's a dent in the back of her head where she was attack by a puma. A dried trickle of blood remained on it.] Her brain was damaged...She's gone. Permanently... [Sits down and starts to sob...]

  84. Mistpaw, Nightpaw, and WillowmoonSeptember 11, 2009 at 6:35 PM

    I-I know. M-Momma's gone. S-she'll nev-ver see my warrior c-c-ceremony.....[cries harder] I-I remember when s-she t-took m-m-m-m-me a-and N-Nightp-paw exploring. S-she taught us much, and she w-w-w-w-w-w-was so w-wise......a-and she'll never come back.....*wails long and loud, sounds a little eerie, and tears began sliding, slowly at first, then faster and faster, down Nightpaw's cheeks. Soon they're all wailing and crying*
    *rambles on and on, then collapses. Spasms go through her body*
    [In Willowmoons Mind]
    Flake! Momma! Wait....*appears in a black world* wha.... *hears a lovely voice like bells* Remember, Willowmoon! Remember your kits. Your apprentice. Remember Fernclan! *the voice fades* Willowmoon? Fernclan? Kits? oh.....*it all comes rushing back, the weight, the sorrow, and Willowmoon is finally back*

  85. [Watches a spasm go through Willowmoon's body and stands up, startled] Willowmoon! Are you ok?! [Willowmoon stares back at her, just as startled]

    Er, I'm fine, Hawkpaw.

    [Mistpaw and Nightpaw look up]

    Mistpaw and Nightpaw


    [Mistpaw and Nightpaw dash up to Willowmoon and cover her with affectionate licks.]

    Momma's baaaack!


  86. *purrs, chuckling, covering her kits and apprentice with licks, and then winces as her head wound starts to throb*
    oh-okay. you can stop now. *purrs again*

  87. (Willowmoon! I took comment moderation off on Moonclan. Please come back! The other person online is unrespondent.)

  88. Oh that's wonderful I'm so happy! Willowmoon I believe a warrior ceremony is in order! *Covers the group of cats ears' in licks*. I'm so glad you are back in shape! Here eat these herbs that should help you a lot! *Drops some thyme and poppy seeds for her*. Now rest I will give your kits their warrior ceremonies tomorrow!

  89. Hello Fernsong I brought you some herbs. *drops comfrey and watermint and her paws*.

  90. *cough cough* Fern-*cough* song? *she called weakly* I think *cough* I got *cough* green-cough. *she wakly climbed into a nest waitng for treatment*


  91. Hello Dovetail. Not green-cough! Ok eat some water mint and some poppy-seeds and some charmoline. Don't return to the Elder's Den yet we can't spread spread this sickness.
    Birdstar (not logged on)

  92. *eats herbs* *nods then falls asleep*


  93. I'll have her stay here for a while until she gets better.
    *checks Dovetail for fever*
    She has a fever.
    *gives Dovetail feverfew and gets some wet moss and puts it on dovetail's head*
    Now rest and I'll get you some prey.


    changed my name btw

  94. *eats the ferver few* *she groans*


  95. Can you tell the kits to stay out of the elders den.There might be some germs lingering in it.


  96. Sure Fernsong!

    Birdstar (not logged on)

    P.S. I will give Sandpaw her medicine cat name soon!

  97. Stormcloud:Here, some snapdragon and sage


  98. Good Stormcloud! You have been great use to the clan! By the way congratulation on the birth of your kits.
