Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Fern Creek

This is a beautiful sunny creek that runs through the forest it's a perfect place for kits to swim


  1. Ok Kits I'm going to teach you to swim who wants to go first *a swarm of kits nearly nocks her over* whoa whoa take it easy *lets out a mrow of laughter*! Ok you Icekit, you give it a try *Icekit pads over to the creek and dipps his paw in* Ok, now I'll take you by the scruff and wade in. I will keep your body in the water and I want you to paddle with your for-paws and back-paws. Tell me when to let go and I'll let you do it on your own *Icekit paddles*! What's that? Ok sure, I'll let go *let's go of his scruff and Icekit paddles* Good job Icekit *Icekit paddles around Leopardstar and calles "hey Rockkit look at me!!!"* Yes, you are doing just fine!! Let's have soem one else try *Icekit paddles over to the land and shakes him self. Leopardstar licks his ruffled fur flat* Ok you next Dawnkit *finishes all the kits and are at the point where they're padling all around her*! You guys are doing great, but we have to head back to camp *the kits tails droop sadly*. Don't worry your mother can take you out any time *the kits brighten*. Now let's go *leads the kits back to camp*!

  2. Ok, Mistkit, Nightkit. I'm going to teach you how to swim. Watch me. *Wades into creek, then begins to paddle.* Ok, now you've seen how it's done. Who wants to go first?
    Ok. First, get into the water. *Nightkit wades in* Next, start to paddle. It's just like walking on land, execpt you're in water. Go on! *Nightkit starts to slip under, but then gradually begins to swim* Yes Nightkit! You're doing it! Ok Mistkit, your turn. *Mistkit carefully gets into the water* Ok. Swimming is just like walking, execpt it's in water. C'mon, you're doing it, you're doing it! *Mistkit starts to swim* See Mistkit! It's easy! Just walk! ~Nightkit
    This feels good! I like it! What's next Momma? ~Mistkit
    Next, I'll take you to the Sunning rock. Follow me! YAY!!! ~Both kits

  3. [Looks nerviously at the creek] Is it icy cold? [Dips a paw in]

  4. Ok Hawkkit. Do know how to swim?

  5. No, not really, once you get used to it.

  6. No..[Looks at Willowmoon] Will you teach me??

  7. *Jumps in* Swimming is just like walking, only it's in water.

  8. [Wades into water, shivering] It's not cold once you get used to it, not cold once you get used to it...[Paddles franticly through the water] Am I swimming? Am I doing it?

  9. All you need to do is churn your paws like you're walking. Then you bagan to swim. I'm sorry, but I need to go. I probably won't be back for the rest of the day. Remember the instructions!

  10. Hey, go back to badgers! Read my comments! Argh! But first, gimme your clan URL

  11. Ok kittens.
    Its time for a swimming lesson.
    Its like running but just in the water.
    I will walk in holding youby the scruff and lower you into the water.Then you will start paddling.Tell me when to let you go then you can do it on your own.
    You first Riverkit.
    *Picks up RiverKit by scruff and wades into water.Slowly lowers Riverkit into the water*.
    *RiverKit Paddles and quicks*
    Riverkit-Let me go now Mama.
    *Lets go of Riverkit*
    *Riverkit paddles around for a few minutes while Songstream finishes with the other kits
