Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Elder's Den

This is where the Elder's sleep apprentices bring them fresh-kill and bedding


  1. *muffled mews*

    Mama where are we now?

    Why are we here?

    Shhhh! Kits I'll tell you just quiet down!

    *the kits quiet*

    Ok this is the Elders den Flowerstripe lives here...

    Where is she?

    Oh, she went to the apprentices den to get someone to put more moss on her bedding

    Why are we so quiet if Flowerstripe Isn't in here?

    Well, she could come back any minute and she doesn't really like people sneaking around her den!

    he, he, she sounds grumpy!

    Yes well all elders are grumpy now to the training hollow!

  2. Hello Dovetail, Flowerstripe! Here's some moss to line you nest! *places the moss neatly around the nest*. There I hope your back is feeling better Flowerstripe *dips her head*

  3. Thank you for the moss Birdflight!

  4. *settles down in nest*

  5. *Birdstar's kits bound in*

    Hi Dovetail hi Flowerstripe!
    *all the kits mew in unison*

    Can you tell us a story?

  6. well I do have one. Have you heard about the badger attack in thunderclan?

  7. Well heres how it goes: Now there is only one friendly badger here name is midnight and she lives at the sundrwon place, very far from here. And there two medicine cats Leafpool and Cinderpelt, were working hard. But Leafpool fell in love with a windclan cat! named Crowfeather!

  8. Now Medicine cats CANT fall in love, its against the warrior code. So Leafpool decided to run away with Crowfeather.

  9. But then, Midnight came and sais my herd or something is going to attack your clan!

  10. Leafpool new she had to go back. So she told Crowfeather and he to agreed that he needed to go back. So they raced back to their clans. Crowfeather told Onestar that Thunderclan needed help, so they went and faught with them.

  11. But then a badger broke into the nursery! Leafpool was terrified because her mentor Cinderpelt was in there helping Sorreltail when she was kitting. Leafpool dashed into the nusery but it was to late.

  12. The badger had killed Cinderpelt. That was when Leafpool vowed that she will never leave her clan again.

  13. Did you like that one kits? I hope you did. Now go play with that moss ball over there, im tired. I'll tell you a stroy tommorow. *Dovetail curled up into her nest and took a nap*

  14. dovetail decieds to take a walk through the forest.

  15. Thanks Dovetail!!
    Birdstar's kits

  16. ah kits these days those are the ones who keep me entertained!

  17. Yep, One more too, I'm taking care of a kit named Lightningkit now he is FULL of questions and loves to munch on ears.

  18. He heh... OUCH!! Lightningkit, stop that! *but ur ears taste so good!*

  19. Late in the night greencough spread through the camp because it was Leaf-fall. It hit Dovetail first. *COUGH COUGH* Hmm I must be coming down with something. *she thought* It will *cough* have to *cough* wait until *cough* the morning. *she tryed to get some sleep but failed* Well off to the Med. Cats den.


  20. Flowerstripe I've come to check you for greencough.
    *checks for a fever*
    You have a small fever.Come to my den with me.A little cough it seems like to.
    *helps the elder to her den*


  21. Hi DoveTail.Hi Flowerstripe.
    I hope i'm not disturbing you but I came to show you the Clans newest kits.
    These are(points to each one with tail)Riverkit,Silverkit,Skykit and Whisperkit.
    -All kits together-Hi DoveTail Hi FlowerStripe

  22. Riverkit-Please tell us a story.
    Whisperkit-Oh yes please do.
    Skykit-We have heard so much about your stories.
    Silverkit-But no worries if you can't

  23. I will I guess.

    Once apon a time there were four clans...
    They were Thunderclan, Windclan, Riverclan, and Shadowclan many less clans that we have now.

    During this time the two legs came... eating up the forest, moors, pines, and reeds. The clans held tight to their home hoping that by the will of Starclan would spare them. But sadly the monsters continued to destroy their homes.

    "Oh no!" *The kits cry in unison*.

    Oh yes.

    Anyway there came a time where the clans realized that they would never be able to survive much longer, so many had already been taken to Starclan. Even the strong leaders of the time, Firestar, Tallstar, Leopardstar, and Blackstar, were beging to loose hope.

    So, they left the forest Lead by those who had taken the journey and the leaders. Off over the mountains their cracked, dry paws longing for a soft nest under their bones.

    They came upon the Tribe of Rushing Water and they sheltered the clans. There they found fresh kill and shelter.

    Later, about two sunrises later they left. They continued their journey and soon came to a lake. A large body of still water that reflects the stars of silver pelt at night. Here the clans found peace. Comfort and a new home.

    "Wow! That's great!" *the kits yawn*

    I see you are a little sleepy. How about getting in my nest for a nap?

    *The kits climb eagerly into Flowerstripes nest and fall asleep*

    *Sigh* You remind me so much of my kits *falls asleep*

