Saturday, September 5, 2009

It is time.... (continued)

The battle continued on into dawn. The sky still as red as the blood spilling from their enemies. Suddenly the badger pinned Birdstar it's beady eyes blinking down at her. Birdstar slashed it's muzzle sending it running. Surprisingly the other badger and puma followed trudging out of the clearing. Then the last badger stopped.* "We will be back Birdstar..." *Then they disappeared from sight.

The cats yowled in triumph their calls echoing across the mountains. Then they yowled the ancient prayer of their ancestors....* "Starclan hear our cries! Starclan know our voices! For you brought us out of great peril! Heal our wounds with your healing rain! Lift the spirits of the cats who have perished! Now darkness and light clash with your ever grace! Let your spirit reign! Starclan! Starclan! Starclan!" *Their voices mingled spreading across their territory. Then out of the blood red sky the sun broke through the clouds shedding it's golden glory upon the clan! Through the clouds Starclan appeared. All of their loved ones spreading light among one another. Then out of their ancestors came a cloudless rain cool and clear drenching the cats below. Their ancestors smiled at the laughing warriors and apprentices. The rain was healing them. The healing rain asked for in the prayer. It flowed down their bodies washing away the blood and tears, every one was saved. Paleflower suddenly padded down from the cloud where their ancestors stood. She smiled the stars in her pelt glittering. "Your clan has been saved." Thank you Paleflower! *The two she cats touched noses warmth spread through her like sun. Then the rain stopped and their ancestors disappeared.

Yet, their glory was still among the cats. Warriors we crying and apprentices we whooping.

Birdstar raised her head to the rising sun and yowled her clan was safe....*


  1. I hope you guys like it I think this was my favorite post to write!

  2. I loved it! But Willowmoon, Willowfeather, and me, got seriously injured. I have a broken leg, and a torn ear. The others, I don't know whats wrong with them.

  3. Ok well I think you need a splint on your leg and some cob-webs to stop the bleeding. For the other two please look at the herb list at the medicine cat den and please help them I'll be right there...

  4. Birdstar this is Birdstar from WoodClan. Its kinda odd that we both have the same name. I've had this name since February or March. I really like the name and I've been using it for like a year (I had another blog). It said on your profile you're Leopardstar. I'm confused but would it be ok if you changed your name. I'm sorry if you don't want to. Just asking :)
    Birdstar From WoodClan

  5. Birdstar-
    Sorry that I confused you I was going to change it on my profile, but I keep getting distracted :). I might change my name but I don't want to be like songstar of leafclan she changed her name at least THREE TIMES. I'm not asking YOU to change YOUR name either, because you had your name first and that wouldn't fare if you had to.

    Birdflight (logged off)

  6. Ok then, Birdstar, (fernclan's) I've fixed up the cats.

  7. This is how you get more than one picture as a header:

    You go into paint (if you have it) and you copy and paste a few pictures. I'll explain some more if you need more help.

  8. Excuse me but I have Sparkling Falls too and I made it up in like April. Are you copying me?
