Saturday, October 31, 2009

Internet Back On

All cat old enough to catch their own prey meet below Fernrock for a clan meeting! I would like to announce my internet is back on! Thanks for your patience!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Whitebreeze's Kits

Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey meet below fernrock for a clan meeting *the cats gather below the rock*! I have good news even during the chill of leaf-fall Whitebreeze has given birth to five healthy kits *happy mews ripple around the clearing*! They are Swiftkit, Wildkit, Tinykit, Spottedkit, and Hopekit. Please take care of them and watch over them as if they were your own. Meeting dismissed *the cats trot away from the rock still talking excitedly about the kits*!

Monday, October 5, 2009


*The sun began to set into the forest, spilling red and orange light over the camp. Birdstar emerged from her den and yowled.* Lets all cats old enough to catch their own prey meet below Fernrock for a clan meeting! *Birstar's kits poked their small heads out of the leaders den; their eyes looking curiously over at the meeting.* Tonight is the Gathering! Stoneclaw, Brightflower, Sundapple, Rockpaw, Mudblossom, Bluestorm, Smokepaw, Honeycloud, Firestorm, Thunderstorm, and Sparrowflight will come to the Gathering. Freezepool you shall be in charge of the camp in till we return. Hurry now moon-high won't wait for us! Meeting dismissed. *The cats called followed Birdstar our of camp*.