Saturday, October 17, 2009

Whitebreeze's Kits

Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey meet below fernrock for a clan meeting *the cats gather below the rock*! I have good news even during the chill of leaf-fall Whitebreeze has given birth to five healthy kits *happy mews ripple around the clearing*! They are Swiftkit, Wildkit, Tinykit, Spottedkit, and Hopekit. Please take care of them and watch over them as if they were your own. Meeting dismissed *the cats trot away from the rock still talking excitedly about the kits*!

1 comment:

  1. Hello! My clan, WispClan, has gained more than 100 cats!!
    There will be a friendly competition in honor of this. We will all compete at the Sunny Hollow, and apprentices and warriors can compete. This will take place Saturday all day! We'll have six competitions:
    Hunting competition (warriors)
    Hunting competition (apprentices)
    Fighting competition (warriors)
    Fighting competition (apprentices)
    Climbing competition (warriors)
    Climbing competition (apprentices)
    Bear in mind that this is a friendly competition. Therefore, the fighting competition will be NO CLAWS!!
    Be there or be square!!!
    ~Sunstar of WispClan~
