Friday, March 5, 2010

Medicine Cat Apprentice

The two Medicine Cats approach the moon pool. The moon is hight it's light spilling over the moon pool like a patch of creamy fur. Stars glimmer as if they know that Sandpaw will become a Medicine Cat tonight. Fernsong turns to Sandpaw and preforms the ceremony that had been done for generations.

"Do you Sandpaw promise to care for your clan and uphold the warrior code?"

Sandpaw's voice is shaking "I do"
"By the powers of Starclan I name you Sandflower! Sandflower! Sandflower!"

(Sorry I haven't been active for awhile I'll do apprentices and warriors later)


  1. Hey Birdstar I promised I would post with my new account so here it is!


  2. Hello! This is Silverstar from The Warrior Gathering. Just a quick reminder, the Gathering is tomorrow night! I am posting this comment on all of the Clans which are invited. I hope to see you there!

    ~~Silverstar of StormClan

  3. YAY! YOu're back megan!

