Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Links, Patrol, and Swimimg Lessons

All cats old enough to catch their own prey meet below Fernrock for a clan meeting *clan gathers under the rock*. First of all I'm happy to anounce that I have completed all my links *a happy purr ripples through the croud* ! We now have a fresh-kill pile to stock our prey and a hunting clearing to hunt in! Today I need a hunting patrol. Brightflower I want you to lead it take Beewing, Graymoon, Mudblossom, and Stoneclaw bring back as much prey as possible *the patrol dips their heads*! I also want to anounce that I'm giving a swimimg lesson for the kits it will a chance to their mothers to relax or I they want they can come too.As soon as this meeting is over I'm going to take them. Meeting dismissed *cats file away from the rock*.