Wednesday, August 26, 2009

It is time......

*Birdstar rose from her den her green eyes fixed on the dawn sky. It was a beautiful morning. The sky, pink shot with gold and the clouds were cotton wisps as fine as rabbits fur. The warriors emerged from the dens their eyes shining. As they moved their muscles ripped under their thick glossy pelts and Birdstar turned her eyes upon them her fur glittering in the sun.* It is time..... *and so they set off to the Herb Meadow their minds fixed on one thought... What is going to happen to us?*

*The cats reached the meadow their eyes pealed for the presence of the badgers and the puma. Suddenly, Birdstar stopped in her tracks her green gaze focused on the clearing.* There they are... *The badgers and the puma were standing guard over their den watching for any disturbance...* Now when I give the word attack them from all sides. Willowmoon lead Beewing, Muffinfur, Brightflower, Stoneclaw, and Emberbreeze to attack to attack from the right... Pantherpelt lead Sundapple, Willowfeather, Thunderstorm, and Sparrowflight to attack from left. Greymoon lead Thrushwing, Bassleap, and Firestorm to attack the front. *The cats nod and disappear in to the tall emerald green grass. Birdstar turns her eyes onto the expectant looking apprentices*. Now we will attack from the back remember to stay quiet *Birdstar leads the apprentices around the back of the clearing. Their paws stepping quietly through the brush. As they approach the back of the clearing she turns to the apprentices*. Ok when I yowl attack I want you to use all the methods you learned in training. *Birdstar turns her elegant head towards the early morning sky and give a thunderous yowl*. Attack!!!

*The warriors charge out of their hiding places throwing themselves upon the badgers and the puma fighting for their lives and clan. Fighting for the code they knew since kit hood....*

To be continued......


  1. Birdstar - I had to change your name in StormClan to Birdwing because Birdflight was a name in Firestar's Quest. She was Cloudstar, the leader of SkyClan's, mate. So is Birdwing OK? Or do you want something else?


  2. No! I have to fight with you! Please! [Attempts to run out of the camp entrance but it stopped by the guards]

  3. Okay. ATTACK!!!!!! *the cats, yowling, attack the pumas, clawing at them until their fur runs red. but then a puma swipes at Willowmoon, hitting her hard, and causing her to fall* Go....don't....worry....about me......*she drags herself a short distance away, and collapses*

  4. Willowmoon! *Is tackled by a badger and is distracted in battle*. Get off you piece of fox dung! *throws the badger off her and leaps over the battle to Willowmoon*. I'll get Fernsong don't worry!

  5. * Slashes badgers throat as Sparrowflight bites hindquarters*

  6. [Dashes after them after escaping the guards to fight, then notices Willowmoon lying on the ground] Willowmoon?! [Runs over to her] Get up...[Drags Willowmoon back to camp]

  7. *Arrives at battlefield, and screeches, throwing herself into the fight. She claws ferciously at the badger, reaching its eyes and clawing onoe of them out* Oops....*the badger roared in pain and fury, charging at her and swiping. Mistpaw was too quick though, and she fled away from the ravanging badger*

  8. *throws herself in battel and attacks a bardger* GET OUT OF HERE YOU FLEE BITEN BADGER *jumps up and lands on badgers shoulders and starts clawing his back,badger roars and tries to throw Willowfeather off,but Willowfeather hangs on,claws badger on face untill badger runs away* HA,NOW WHAT??!! *turns around to see puma loming over her* OH GREAT STARCLAN!! *puma strikes her with a huge paw and sends Willowfeather flying,Willowfeather lands in the dust only to see the puma getting ready for a pounce*
    *Puma springs into the air and lands on Willowfeather,then sends her flying once again* *Willowfeather remains motienless in the dust while other cats battel around her*

  9. *Yowls in fury*. Get off her you mangy, ball of furr *claws the puma sending it lumbering in pain and she dives for Willowfeather*! Willowfeather No! *Graps some copwebs and patches her up , uses goldenrod to treat it and ease the pain, and feeds her thyme for her shock.* Here *applies the herbs and hides her in a patch of moss her wounds curing slowly and her bones healing.* There I'll come back for you *carges back into battle throwing herself on the puma*!

  10. * Yowls in pain as badger tosses her over the clearing hits the ground with a thud*

  11. * Sparrowflight dashes over.* " Thunderstorm? Please get up! Help Thunderstorm is badly injured!" * Drags her over and sets her down by Willowfeather*

  12. [Dashes back to the clearing] Great Starclan! Look at this chaos! I have to wonder if anyone is dead...[About to leap into battle, then sees Thunderstorm and Willowfeather] Oh no! More hurt cats? [Drags them back to the med. cat den]

  13. *screeches, clawing the puma, but it swats Mistpaw on her head. She moans, falls down, and doesn't get back up*

  14. huh?

    *shakes herself off to see a patch on her shoulder*

    Thank you whoever did this!!

    *looks around for a small badger to attack*

    *sees one and is about to pounce but sees Mistpaw laying down motienless*


    *dashes towards Mispaw and drags to a bush where its safe*

    Mistpaw??? Wake up!!

    *decides to drag Mistpaw to medicine cats den*

    *carfully picks up Mistpaw and carries to medicine cats den*

  15. [Jumps on a badger and slashes at her eyes. One..comes out! Hawkpaw jumps off, tranfixed on the eye stuck on her claw. While she's distracted, a puma pounces at her. They writh in battle together.]

  16. [HAwkstar I can't post n your blog anymore! GET THE NAME/URL OPTION BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN"T EVEN POST ON THE ACROSS THE LAKE BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *is sad and mad*

  17. SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY WILLOWMOON!!!! I fixed both websites! Again!!! Sorry!!!!!!
