Sunday, August 16, 2009

Thunderstorm, Hawkkit, and Moonpaw

All cats old enough to catch their own prey meet below Fernrock for a clan meeting *all the cats rush over to the rock*! I have exciting news we have three new cats become apart of the clan *a welcoming purr ripples through the clearing*! Willowmoon found Hawkkit barely alive on the Sunning Rock and Willowmoon has graciously offered to care for this kit "Good job Mama"! *Mistpaw and Nightpaw mew*. Thunderstorm I'm proud to have you apart of my clan! Moonpaw has also joined and I believe she is need of a mentor.... Thunderstorm I would have let you apprentice her, but I believe you need time to learn your way around our territory so when you do get an apprentice you will know the territory.... Willowfeather you shall mentor Moonpaw teach her all you know *Moonpaw and Willowfeather touch noses*! Hawkkit! Hawkkit! Hawkkit! Thunderstorm! Thunderstorm! Thunderstorm! Moonpaw! Moonpaw! Moonpaw! *clan echos her cries*! Meeting dismissed *the cats file away from the rock*!