Sunday, August 23, 2009


All cats old enough to catch their own prey meet below Fernrock for a clan meeting *The cats trot over to the rock*. I would like to thank the warriors who came with me to help Stormclan they showed great courage in the face of danger *Birdstar dips her head to those warriors*. Today I am making two new warriors Thrushpaw and Basspaw please step forward *the two she-cats leap on to the rock*. I ask Starclan to look down on these apprentices for they have worked hard to learn the ways of your noble code... *silverpelt glitters brightly with anticipation as it prepares to accept two new warriors*. Thrushpaw do promise to uphold the warrior code even at the cost of life "I do" *thrushpaw's eyes shine with excitement*. Then by the powers of Starclan I give you your warrior name Thrushpaw from this day forward you shall be known as..... Thrushwing! The clan honers you for your courage *Birdstar rests her muzzle on Thrushwing's forhead and Thrushwing licks her shoulder respectfully and goes to join the warriors*. Basspaw do you promise to uphold the warrior code even at the cost of your life? "I do". Then by the powers of Starclan I give you your warrior name Basspaw from this day forward you shall be known as Bassleap the clan honers your honesty. *Birdstar lays her muzzle on Bassleap's forhead and Bassleap licks her shoulder respectfully and goes to join the warriors*. Bassleap! Bassleap! Bassleap! Thrushwing! Thrushwing! Thrushwing! *their names echo around the clearing*. You two will sit vigle tonight and gaurd the camp. Meeting Dismissed *the cats file away from the rock*!

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