Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Crystal River

This is the Crystal River. Here you can swim catch fish or just play in the reeds.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Hot Spring

This is the hot spring. Here is a pool of warm bubbly water off limits to kits and apprentices. The older cats come here to relax and share tongues. Anyone could use a relaxing swim in warm, blue water. An apprentice can come here if they are invited by their mentor.

The Camp

This is our camp. Here you can chat with other cats and play in the tall grass.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


All cats old enough to catch their own prey meet below Fernrock for a clan meeting *the cats gather below the rock in sunset*. Tomorrow is the Gathering! I my deputy and I will take Honeycloud, Beewing, Greymoon, Stoneclaw, Firestorm, Willowmoon, Moonfrost, Smokeplume, Mistpath, Rockfall, Hawkeye, Icepool, Greypelt, Songmist, Frosttail, Flowerstripe, Pantherpelt, and Mudblossom! Thrushwing and Bassleap guard the camp. I will return soon. *Birdstar and the cats set off into the setting sun, their shadows long.*

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Kits, Warriors, and Apprentices

All cats old enough to catch their own prey meet below Fernrock for a clan meeting! Today I have several orders of operations to carry out.

I am happy to announce that Nightclaw has given birth to three healthy kits *purrs ripple around the rock*! They are Leopardkit, Frostkit, and Ravenkit. Please treat them with love and care.

I also have some new warriors. Moonpaw, Hawkpaw, Mistpaw, Smokepaw, Rockpaw, and Icepaw please step forward. *The excited apprentices leap on to the rock trembling excitedly*. Tonight you will receive your warrior names before Starclan. Hawkpaw and Moonpaw from this day forward you shall be known as... Hawkeye and Moonfrost! Mistpaw, Smokepaw your warrior names shall be... Mistpath and Smokeplume! Rockpaw, Icepaw you shall become... Rockfall and Icepool! Hawkeye! Hawkeye! Moonfrost! Moonfrost! Mistpath! Mistpath! Smokeplume! Smokeplume! Rockfall! Rockfall! Icepool! Icepool *clan calls out the names of the new warriors with pride*! Tonight you will sit vigil and guard the camp.

Now it is time for four young kits to follow in their footsteps! Dawnkit, Heatherkit, Rosekit, and Lightningkit please step forward *the kits leap on to the rock*! From this day forward until you receive your warrior name you shall be called, Dawnpaw, Heatherpaw, Rosepaw, and Lightningpaw! Rainshimmer you shall mentor Dawnpaw *They touch noses*. Rusetfur you will mentor Heatherpaw *they touch noses*. Nightfrost please mentor Rosekit *they touch noses*. Thunderstorm you raised Lightningpaw please mentor him *they touch noses*. Dawnpaw! Dawnpaw! Heatherpaw! Heatherpaw! Rosepaw! Rosepaw! Lightningpaw! Lightningpaw *the clan calls out their names*!

Meeting Dismissed *they file away from the rock*!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Internet Back On

All cat old enough to catch their own prey meet below Fernrock for a clan meeting! I would like to announce my internet is back on! Thanks for your patience!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Whitebreeze's Kits

Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey meet below fernrock for a clan meeting *the cats gather below the rock*! I have good news even during the chill of leaf-fall Whitebreeze has given birth to five healthy kits *happy mews ripple around the clearing*! They are Swiftkit, Wildkit, Tinykit, Spottedkit, and Hopekit. Please take care of them and watch over them as if they were your own. Meeting dismissed *the cats trot away from the rock still talking excitedly about the kits*!

Monday, October 5, 2009


*The sun began to set into the forest, spilling red and orange light over the camp. Birdstar emerged from her den and yowled.* Lets all cats old enough to catch their own prey meet below Fernrock for a clan meeting! *Birstar's kits poked their small heads out of the leaders den; their eyes looking curiously over at the meeting.* Tonight is the Gathering! Stoneclaw, Brightflower, Sundapple, Rockpaw, Mudblossom, Bluestorm, Smokepaw, Honeycloud, Firestorm, Thunderstorm, and Sparrowflight will come to the Gathering. Freezepool you shall be in charge of the camp in till we return. Hurry now moon-high won't wait for us! Meeting dismissed. *The cats called followed Birdstar our of camp*.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Herb Stream

A beautiful stream surrounded by blue-bells. This is a good place to find herbs that grow close to water. Such as water mint, willow leaves, and sage. The stream is close to the Herb Meadow and beautiful place to relax.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Warrior Ceremony

All cats old enough to catch your own prey meet below Fernrock for a clan meeting *the clan of cats gather under the rock*! Today we will welcome five new warriors into the clan! Bumblepaw, Acornpaw, Poppaw, Nightpaw, Mistpaw step forward *the excited apprentices leap onto the rock*. I ask Starclan to look down upon these apprentice for they have worked hard to learn the ways of your noble code. Acornpaw, Poppaw, Bumblepaw, Mistpaw, Nightpaw do you promise to uphold the warrior code even at the cost of your life? "I do" *they answer in unison*. Then by the power of Starclan I give you your warrior names. Mistpaw from this day forward you shall be know as Mistrose. The clan honers you for your kindness. *Birdstar rests her muzzle on Mistrose and Mistrose licks her shoulder*. Acornpaw you shall be known as Acornpelt. The clan thanks you for your bravery. *Birdstar rests her muzzle on Acornpelt and Acornpelt licks her shoulder*. Nightpaw from now on you will be known as Nightfrost. The clan is pleased with your hunting skills. *Birdstar rests her muzzle on Nightfrost and Nightfrost licks her shoulder*. Poppaw you shall be known as Popcloud. We honer you for your honesty. *Birdstar rests her muzzle on Popcloud and Popcloud licks her shoulder*. Bumblepaw from this day on you shall be known as Bumblewing. The clan is proud of your fighting skills. *Birdstar rests her muzzle on Bumblewing and Bumblewing licks her shoulder*. Bumblewing! Nightfrost! Acornpelt! Popcloud! Mistrose! Young warriors tonight you will sit vigil and guard the camp. Meeting dismissed.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

It is time.... (continued)

The battle continued on into dawn. The sky still as red as the blood spilling from their enemies. Suddenly the badger pinned Birdstar it's beady eyes blinking down at her. Birdstar slashed it's muzzle sending it running. Surprisingly the other badger and puma followed trudging out of the clearing. Then the last badger stopped.* "We will be back Birdstar..." *Then they disappeared from sight.

The cats yowled in triumph their calls echoing across the mountains. Then they yowled the ancient prayer of their ancestors....* "Starclan hear our cries! Starclan know our voices! For you brought us out of great peril! Heal our wounds with your healing rain! Lift the spirits of the cats who have perished! Now darkness and light clash with your ever grace! Let your spirit reign! Starclan! Starclan! Starclan!" *Their voices mingled spreading across their territory. Then out of the blood red sky the sun broke through the clouds shedding it's golden glory upon the clan! Through the clouds Starclan appeared. All of their loved ones spreading light among one another. Then out of their ancestors came a cloudless rain cool and clear drenching the cats below. Their ancestors smiled at the laughing warriors and apprentices. The rain was healing them. The healing rain asked for in the prayer. It flowed down their bodies washing away the blood and tears, every one was saved. Paleflower suddenly padded down from the cloud where their ancestors stood. She smiled the stars in her pelt glittering. "Your clan has been saved." Thank you Paleflower! *The two she cats touched noses warmth spread through her like sun. Then the rain stopped and their ancestors disappeared.

Yet, their glory was still among the cats. Warriors we crying and apprentices we whooping.

Birdstar raised her head to the rising sun and yowled her clan was safe....*

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Sparkling Falls

This is where the clan can relax, swim, and feel the mist on their fur

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

It is time......

*Birdstar rose from her den her green eyes fixed on the dawn sky. It was a beautiful morning. The sky, pink shot with gold and the clouds were cotton wisps as fine as rabbits fur. The warriors emerged from the dens their eyes shining. As they moved their muscles ripped under their thick glossy pelts and Birdstar turned her eyes upon them her fur glittering in the sun.* It is time..... *and so they set off to the Herb Meadow their minds fixed on one thought... What is going to happen to us?*

*The cats reached the meadow their eyes pealed for the presence of the badgers and the puma. Suddenly, Birdstar stopped in her tracks her green gaze focused on the clearing.* There they are... *The badgers and the puma were standing guard over their den watching for any disturbance...* Now when I give the word attack them from all sides. Willowmoon lead Beewing, Muffinfur, Brightflower, Stoneclaw, and Emberbreeze to attack to attack from the right... Pantherpelt lead Sundapple, Willowfeather, Thunderstorm, and Sparrowflight to attack from left. Greymoon lead Thrushwing, Bassleap, and Firestorm to attack the front. *The cats nod and disappear in to the tall emerald green grass. Birdstar turns her eyes onto the expectant looking apprentices*. Now we will attack from the back remember to stay quiet *Birdstar leads the apprentices around the back of the clearing. Their paws stepping quietly through the brush. As they approach the back of the clearing she turns to the apprentices*. Ok when I yowl attack I want you to use all the methods you learned in training. *Birdstar turns her elegant head towards the early morning sky and give a thunderous yowl*. Attack!!!

*The warriors charge out of their hiding places throwing themselves upon the badgers and the puma fighting for their lives and clan. Fighting for the code they knew since kit hood....*

To be continued......

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Apprentices and Attacking Enemy TOMORROW

All cats old enough to catch their own prey meet below Fernrock for a clan meeting *the cats gather below the rock waiting for Birdstar's announcement*! Rockkit, Mistkit, Icekit, and Smokekit step forward! It is time for you to become apprentices! Rockkit, Mistkit, Icekit, Smokekit, from this day forward you shall be known as Rockpaw, Icepaw, Mistpaw, and and Smokepaw! Trushwing you shall mentor Smokepaw teach her all you know *the two cats touch noses*! Bassleap you shall mentor Rockpaw teach him the secret to your hunting skills *Rockpaw and Bassleap touch noses*! Sparrowflight you will mentor Icepaw *They touch noses*! Swiftshadow you will mentor Mistpaw *the two touch noses*! Rockpaw! Rockpaw! Icepaw! Icepaw! Smokepaw! Smokepaw! Mistpaw! Mistpaw *the clan echos her cries*!

The puma and badgers will attack tomorrow. Kits and Flowerstripe will stay in the nursery with the queens . Rockpaw, Mistpaw, Icepaw, and Smokepaw please guard them! *After seeing their disappointed expressions she adds* don't worry there will be plenty more battles for you to fight. Warriors and the rest of the apprentices fight for the clan! *The clan yowls in approval!* Good now prepare for battle strengthen the dens protect each other!! We will leave for the Herb Meadow and catch them in their own home at dawn! I don't want to wait for them to attack us, but we must be prepared in case the battle come to the camp! Meeting Dismissed *the cats file away from the rock*!!

Sunday, August 23, 2009


All cats old enough to catch their own prey meet below Fernrock for a clan meeting *The cats trot over to the rock*. I would like to thank the warriors who came with me to help Stormclan they showed great courage in the face of danger *Birdstar dips her head to those warriors*. Today I am making two new warriors Thrushpaw and Basspaw please step forward *the two she-cats leap on to the rock*. I ask Starclan to look down on these apprentices for they have worked hard to learn the ways of your noble code... *silverpelt glitters brightly with anticipation as it prepares to accept two new warriors*. Thrushpaw do promise to uphold the warrior code even at the cost of life "I do" *thrushpaw's eyes shine with excitement*. Then by the powers of Starclan I give you your warrior name Thrushpaw from this day forward you shall be known as..... Thrushwing! The clan honers you for your courage *Birdstar rests her muzzle on Thrushwing's forhead and Thrushwing licks her shoulder respectfully and goes to join the warriors*. Basspaw do you promise to uphold the warrior code even at the cost of your life? "I do". Then by the powers of Starclan I give you your warrior name Basspaw from this day forward you shall be known as Bassleap the clan honers your honesty. *Birdstar lays her muzzle on Bassleap's forhead and Bassleap licks her shoulder respectfully and goes to join the warriors*. Bassleap! Bassleap! Bassleap! Thrushwing! Thrushwing! Thrushwing! *their names echo around the clearing*. You two will sit vigle tonight and gaurd the camp. Meeting Dismissed *the cats file away from the rock*!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Pumas, Apprentice, and Stormclan

All cats old enough to catch their own prey meet below Fernrock for a clan meeting *the cats gather*! I have received intelligence that pumas have joined the badgers' forces *gasps fill the clearing*. "What are we going to do Birdstar?" *Freezepool mews*. Well from what I have gathered the female puma is expecting so if we drive off the male the female will follow for the sake of her kittens. "Is that an advantage I smell"? *Pantherpelt mews smugly*. Yes I believe so...

On a lighter note *Birdstar brightens* we have an apprentice ceremony in order *Hawkkit quivers with excitement*! Hawkkit step forward *Hawkkit leaps on to the rock* Hawkkit you have reached six moons and it is time for you to become an apprentice! Hawkkit until you have completed your education you shall be know as Hawkpaw! I have chosen Willowmoon apprentice and I'm sure Hawkpaw will do wonderfully! *Wilowmoon and Hawkpaw touch noses*! Hawkpaw! Hawkpaw!Hawkpaw! *the clan echos Hawkpaw's name through out the clearing*!

Now about the badgers and pumas... well from what I've heard they are supposed to attack in two days within that time we need to prepare so like I said last post follow those instructions and we should be all right.... *Birdstar's eyes move out of focus* "Birdstar are you alright"? *Firestorm mews and supports her with his tail and covers her ears in licks*. Yes I..... *Littlespots a Stormclan cat charges into the camp* "Birdstar Stormclan is being attacked we need help!" We will be right there Littlespots! Come Firestorm, Mudblossom, Pantherpelt, Sundapple, Willowfeather, Willowmoon, Mistpaw, and Moonpaw come with me to Stormclan Fernsong watch my kits! "But mommy why can't we come!" *Cherrykit mews". Stay here Cherrykit that is an order! *Cherrykit's eyes fill with tears* "Mommy I'm scared what if you don't come home"! I will Cherrykit *licks her kits* now be good for Fernsong! Move out *cats yowl in approval and charge toward Stormclan's camp*!

Monday, August 17, 2009


All cats old enough to catch their own prey meet below Fernrock for a clan meeting *Birdstar's voice was cracked with tiredness and worry. The clan realized Birdstar's change in energy and rush towards the rock*. As some of you might know... Willowmoon and her kits Nightpaw and Mistpaw were attacked by badgers yesterday.... *The cats exchange worried mews*. Don't worry they're alright... Nightpaw was the worst he was badly wounded. "But Birdstar you said badgers you mean.... there's MORE"?? *Sundapple mews*. Yes Sundapple according to Willowmoon and her kits two more came over the hill close to the Herb Meadow... At the medicine cat den Willowmoon went in to a trance she said something like... darkness to come and well I think it means the badgers... and well. *Birdstar's voice grows strong again with renewed vigor at the thought of protecting the clan she held close to her heart*. We must fight! Every one must be prepared!! Ok... groups Willowmoon I need you to hold a training session for the apprentices they need to refresh their battle training! You can ask someone to assist you choose anyone you like! Ok warriors and queens.... you guys prepare the camp strengthen the dens and the camp walls. Medicine cats go to the Herb Meadow to collect some herbs we must be prepared for wounded cats.... oh and take a warrior with you since part of the attack was issued there you must be protected. The kits.... "Please Leopardstar don't put our kits into battle"! *Frosttail mews in alarm* Don't worry Frosttail I would never put kits into battle... no I'm only preparing them if the badgers broke into the nursery. Ok ever one go to their stations kits come into my den... Meeting Dismissed *the cats rush over to their stations and the kits head over to Leopardstar's den*!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Abandoned Two-leg Nest

This an old abandoned two-leg nest you find many varieties of herbs here and it's a good place to play hide and go seek

Thunderstorm, Hawkkit, and Moonpaw

All cats old enough to catch their own prey meet below Fernrock for a clan meeting *all the cats rush over to the rock*! I have exciting news we have three new cats become apart of the clan *a welcoming purr ripples through the clearing*! Willowmoon found Hawkkit barely alive on the Sunning Rock and Willowmoon has graciously offered to care for this kit "Good job Mama"! *Mistpaw and Nightpaw mew*. Thunderstorm I'm proud to have you apart of my clan! Moonpaw has also joined and I believe she is need of a mentor.... Thunderstorm I would have let you apprentice her, but I believe you need time to learn your way around our territory so when you do get an apprentice you will know the territory.... Willowfeather you shall mentor Moonpaw teach her all you know *Moonpaw and Willowfeather touch noses*! Hawkkit! Hawkkit! Hawkkit! Thunderstorm! Thunderstorm! Thunderstorm! Moonpaw! Moonpaw! Moonpaw! *clan echos her cries*! Meeting dismissed *the cats file away from the rock*!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Apprentice and Warrior Cerimoinies

All cats old enough to catch their own prey meet below Fernrock for a clan meeting *the cats gather below*! Nightkit, Mistkit, Bumblekit, Acornkit, and Popkit step foward *the trembling kits step forward*. Nightkit from this day forward until your apprenticeship is finished you will be known as Nightpaw your mentor shall be.... Stoneclaw *Stoneclaw touches noses with Nightpaw*! Mistkit you shall be known as Mistpaw until you are made a warrior! Muffinfur you are an honest warrior you will mentor Mistpaw *Mistpaw and Muffinfur touch noses*! Bumblekit from this day forward you will be Bumblepaw until you are made a warrior! Graymoon you are a strong warrior you shall mentor Bumblepaw *Bumblepaw and Graymoon touch noses*! Acornkit you shall be known as Acornpaw until I believe it is time for you to become a warrior! Freezepool you are my trusted deputy you shall mentor Acornpaw *Acornpaw and Freezepool touch noses*! Popkit you shall be known as Poppaw until you are made a warrior! Beewing you are a kind warrior you will mentor Poppaw *Poppaw and Beewing touch noses*! Nightpaw! Nightpaw! Mistpaw! Mistpaw! Bumblepaw! Bumblepaw! Acornpaw! Acornpaw! Poppaw! Poppaw! We also have some new warriors! Sunpaw, Pantherpaw, and Willowpaw please step forward *the excited apprentices step forward*! I ask Starclan to look down upon these these three apprentices for they have worked hard on learning the ways of the warrior! Pantherpaw, Willowpaw, Sunpaw do you promise to uphold the warrior code even at the cost of your life? "I do". Then by the powers of Starclan I give you your warrior names. Pantherpaw from this day forward you shall be know as Pantherpelt *Birdstar lays her muzzle on Pantherpelt's forhead and he licks her sholder and goes to stand with the warriors*!
Sunpaw from this day forward you shall be known as Sundapple *Birdstar lays her muzzle on Sundapple's forhead and she licks her sholder and goes to stand with the warriors*! Willowpaw you shall be known from this day forward as Willowfeather *Birdstar lays her muzzle on Willowfeather's forhead and she licks her sholder and goes to stand with the warriors*! Willowfeather! Willowfeather! Willowfeather! Pantherpelt! Pantherpelt! Pantherpelt! Sundapple! Sundapple! Sundapple! *The clan echos her cries*! I would also like to thank these young warriors' mentors! We thank them for their patience and encouragement! Pantherpelt, Willowfeather, and Sundapple you shall sit vigil and guard the camp tonight. Meeting dissmissed *The cats file away from the rock*!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Kits and MORE Kits

All cat's old enough to catch their own prey meet below Fernrock for a clan meeting *cats come out of the dens for the meeting*! As you know I had been expecting kits and so had Willowmoon! Those kits have been born *an excited purr ripples though the cats*! I have five kits Stormkit, Gingerkit, Mintkit, Maplekit, and Cherrykit! Willowmoon has had Nightkit and Mistkit! I will add all their pictures including the cats that want to join as soon as I fix the computer problem! Meeting Dismissed *cats go back to their previous occupation*!

Thursday, August 6, 2009


All cats old enough to catch their own prey meet below Fernrock for a clan meeting *all the cats gather below the rock*! I think some of you have noticed that I have grown in size *Pantherpaw shouts out* "But that's only because you have good hunters in the clan to put meat on your ribs right?" *Lets out a mrow of laughter* That's true but that's not it *glances at Firestorm eyes glittering*! "Birdstar what is it"? *Firestorm mews*. Cats of this clan I want to announce that I'm expecting kits *the clan purrs happily at the news*! "Hey Birdstar Sunpaw, Willowpaw, and I can hunt for you"! No thanks I can hunt at this stage, but later I would appreciate that! I request from the clan something simple... please, when my kits come in to the world.. please love them and care for them like one of your own. "Of course we will Birdstar" *Fernsong mews quietly*. Thank you Fernsong I knew I could trust my clan to that *purrs*. Meeting dismissed *leans on Firestorm as he supports her with his tail*!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I'm Back, Gathering, and Prophecies

All cats old enough to catch their own prey meet below Fernrock for a clan meeting *all the cats gather*! I have  called you for a number of reasons... First of all I want to announce my return, so I can start adding people. I also need Firestorm, Graypool, Muffinfur, Sunpaw, Stoneclaw, Pantherpaw, Mudblossom, Willowpaw, and Beewing to come to the gathering. We may not have a symbol yet, but we'll post comments on Leafclan symbol I'm going to ask Songstar for premission. Last I have some prophecies:

Fern Cinder and Creek will rise with Rock in their wake and become close in Starclan's eyes

Creek, Cinder,Fern, Splash, and Lynx must work together or all of them will be banned from the forest forever. They will be called, the five.

There will be kits of the leaders of Creek, Cinder, and Fern and they must work together as one with their kits to rise up and avoid destruction to fulfill an earlier prophecy; to rise up and become very close to their warrior ancestors...

I will consult Fernsong and Sandpaw after the gathering.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Border Patrol Trail

This is the trail the border patrol follows

Hunting Patrol Trail

This is the trail the hunting patrol follows

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Going on a Trip

All cats old enough to catch their own prey meet below Fernrock for a clan meeting *the cats crowd under the rock*! This Friday I'm going on a trip and I'm naturally leaving my deputy Freezepool in charge *Freezepool dips his head*. Freezepool, "I'm listening" I need you to take out two patrols a Hunting Patrol and a Border Patrol. I will be back on Monday. Meeting Dismissed *the cats file away from the rock*!

New Apprentice Willowpaw

All cats old enough to catch their own prey meet below Fernrock for a clan meeting *the cats file out of their dens and gather under the rock*! I have exciting news! Willowpaw has decided to become an apprentice for Fernclan *happy purrs of welcome move through the clan*! Mudblossom step forward *Mudblossom steps on to the rock*. I wish for you to mentor Willlowpaw teach her all you know *dips her head and touches noes wth Willowpaw*! Willowpaw until you are made a warrior you will be known as you are now Willowpaw. Welcome Willowpaw! Willowpaw! Willowpaw! Willowpaw!!!! Meeting Dismissed *cats trot away from the rock*.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Moonpool Visit

All cats old enough to caych their own prey meet below Fernrock for a clan meeting *the clan gathers*. Today I'm going to the Moonpool and since it's tradition that apprentices visit the Moonpool I will take Pantherpaw and Sandpaw with me *the two apprentices give alittle leap of excitement*. I am leaving Freezepool in charge, so Freezepool *deputy looks up at his leader* make sure you take a patrol you can never be too careful *Freezepool dips his head* "don't worry Birdstar it will be taken care of" Good, Pantherpaw, Sandpaw, and I will set out as soon as we have our travling herbs, Fernsong *the medicine cat turns her head* please prepare the herbs "Yes Birdstar". Meeting Dismissed *cats trot away from the rock*. Ok Sandpaw, Pantherpaw let's go!

Links, Patrol, and Swimimg Lessons

All cats old enough to catch their own prey meet below Fernrock for a clan meeting *clan gathers under the rock*. First of all I'm happy to anounce that I have completed all my links *a happy purr ripples through the croud* ! We now have a fresh-kill pile to stock our prey and a hunting clearing to hunt in! Today I need a hunting patrol. Brightflower I want you to lead it take Beewing, Graymoon, Mudblossom, and Stoneclaw bring back as much prey as possible *the patrol dips their heads*! I also want to anounce that I'm giving a swimimg lesson for the kits it will a chance to their mothers to relax or I they want they can come too.As soon as this meeting is over I'm going to take them. Meeting dismissed *cats file away from the rock*.

Fresh-Kill Pile

This is where you drop freshly hunted prey

Mice: 10
Voles: 13
Starlings: 12
Birds: 14
Squirrels: 8
Chipmunks: 9
Fish: 24
Rabbits: 6

Hunting Clearing

This is where you catch prey

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Sandpaw and Pantherpaw

All cats old enough to catch their own prey meet below Fernrock for a clan meeting *her call rings across the camp and the cats trot over to the rock* We now have two warrior apprentices! Sandpaw, Pantherpaw please step foward *The two apprentices step on the rock*. Stoneclaw, Muffinfur, step foward *the two cats step on to the rock in a quick stride*. Stoneclaw you are a noble warrior you will mentor Pantherpaw *Pantherpaw and Stoneclaw touch noes*. Muffinfur you are experienced you shall mentor Sunpaw *Sunpaw and Muffinfur touch noes* Teach these young cats and pass on your skills. Sunpaw! Sunpaw! Sunpaw! Pantherpaw! Pantherpaw! Pantherpaw *The clan echos her calls*! Meeting Dismissed *leaps down from the rock*

I'm almost done!!!

All cat's old enough to catch their own prey meet below Fernrock for a clan meeting *cats gather beneath the rock* As you have notised I have added a lot of links to the dens and terriotory so far I'm nearly done. I need to add the fresh-kill pile and the hunting field so, so far we are waiting for food *an amused purr ripples through the croud* I will get to it later because the computer I'm using lets you post pictures for a long time but at one point when you load the pics I woun't see them and there's nothing I can do and this was the longest time I't let me work so right now I'm couting my blessings. Meeting dismissed. *cats file away from the rock*

Sky Maple

This where the apprentices climb and in leaf fall you can collect sap to make treats for the kits

Moss Garden

This is where apprentices gather moss

Sunning Rock

This the sunning rock. The cats in this clan love relaxing on it

Fern Creek

This is a beautiful sunny creek that runs through the forest it's a perfect place for kits to swim

Herb Meadow

This is where the Medicine Cats Gather Herbs

Warrior's Den

This is where the Warriors live

Elder's Den

This is where the Elder's sleep apprentices bring them fresh-kill and bedding

Apprentice's Den

This is where the apprentices sleep

Medicine Cat Den

This is the Medicine Cat Den. They sleep on the moss in the back behind the waterfall. Come here if you are hurt feeling sick, expecting kits, ext. If you wish you can bring Fernsong and Sandpaw some fresh-kill or some herbs you collected.

~Alder Bark-used for tooth aches or jaw pain.

~Aloe Vera-Speeds up the healing of topical wounds, relieves heartburn and indigestion, and also works as a laxative if consumed regularly.

~Anise- Gets rid of bad smelling breath.

~Ash Tree-New shoots are to be eaten, and chewed to ward off the effects of a adder. Seeds of the Ash tree may also be consumed to relieve a cramp in ones side.

~Borage Leaves-one of the best things to give to a cat with a fever, and Helps nursing queens produce milk

~Broken Rosemary Blossoms-Used to heal eye infection or to cover up wounds around the eyes or eyelids.

~Broom Poultice- a combination of different herbs, used to treat wounds and broken legs.

~Burdock Root-Given to a cat with a rat bite (A root that is chewed up and given to a cat)

~Cat Nip- Given to a cat with GreenCough or BlackCough(A a green plant that is chewed up and distributed-it has a flavorful aroma)

~Celandine- Given to a cat with pain in the eyes.

~Charmoline-Given to a cat to help "Calm the Mind" or soothe the stomach(A type of plant that is chewed up and distributed)

~Chevril-the juice of the leaves heals infected wounds, and if you chew the root it helps bellyache (A helpful plant, leaves and root can be chewed up and distributed)

~Colt's foot-used to treat kit cough, Also used to help stimulate breating.

~Cob Webs-Given to a cat to help stop the bleeding(of a wound etc.)~(A wad of cobwebs is pressed onto the wound or cut)

~Comfrey-When chewed into a poultice and applied, can clear up pretty much any skin irritation, including burns, cuts and mosquito bites.

~Crushed Iris Petals-Used to stimulate breathing during the birthing process. This can also be used for kit’s sore throats.

~Crushed Pawpaw Roots-Used for kitten cough, which threatens only kittens.~Daisy Leaves-Given to a cat with joint pain.

~Death Berries-Deadly poisons masked in scarlet red. STAY AWAY!(three can kill even the strongest warrior)

~Dock Leaves-lubricant, makes things slippery, also used for joint pains.

~Feverfew-Used to reduce fever, combined with lavender to calm nerves and cure chill.

~Ginger- Good for curing stomache aches.

~Goldenrod-Used to treat wounds and to ease pain.

~Horsetail-helps prevent infection, and used to soothe and heal infected wounds.

~Juniper Berries-Given to a cat with a bellyache, also used for cough, and to help a cat breath easier.

~Lavender-combined with feverfew to cure chills.

~Marigold Leaves-Helps heal wounds (also relieves pain)

~Mouse Bile-Given to a cat with ticks~(A wad of moss soaked in mouse bile is distributed to tick infested area, sooner or later the ticks drop off)

~Peathingy Flower Petals-Used to help a kit with kitten cough. Will help to clear clogged throats and nasal passages.

~Poppy Seeds-Given to a cat to ease the pain, or help them sleep~(Seeds shaken from a poppy plant and licked up)

~Sage-The roots are used for cracked pads. Use with poppy seads.

~Snapdragon Seeds-Used to clear up ringworm and to help rid the body of fleas.

~Sugar Berries-Have no medical properties, but can trick ticks into eating something not so tasty. Are easily mistaken for deathberries, but can be determined by the fact that birds can eat them, while they usually stay away from deathberries.

~Tansy-Relieves a cough.

~Thinned Out Heather Down-Used to help with the indigestion of a kit. It will help to line a kit’s stomach, and absorb the juices that produce the uncomfortable feeling.

~Thyme-Given to a cat in a state of shock, helps to cure shock~(A useful plant which is chewed up and distributed)~

Water Mint-Used to cure bellyache. Found near marshy land and water.

~Willow Leaves and Bark-Water from beneath the bark of the flowering willow may be put into the eyes to help clear clouding of vison. It also cures itches.Small ammounts of Willow Bark may be eaten as a pain killer. It will also help cure fevers.

~Windflower Shoots-Used for stomach cramps, such as cramps that came when a she-cat becomes pregnant.

~Yarrow-Given to a cat to make them sick~(A certian type of leaf/herb which is chewed up and distribute

Medicine Cat Apprentice, Brightflower, and Stoneclaw

All cats old enough to catch their own prey meet below Fernrock for a clan meeting *Sandpaw, Brightflower, and Stoneclaw leap on to Fernrock as the clan gathers* I have good news we have a Medicine Cat Apprentice, Sandpaw *mumers of welcome ripple through the cats* ! We also have two new warriors Brightflower and her mate Stoneclaw! Let's embrace these cats as a member of the clan! Sandpaw! Sandpaw! Sandpaw! Brightflower! Brightflower! Brightflower! Stoneclaw! Stoneclaw! Stoneclaw!! *the clan ehos her calls* Fernsong this means you have an apprentice teach her all you know *Fernsong dips her head*! Meeting dismissed! *Birdstar leaps down from the rock*

Monday, July 27, 2009

Deputy and Links

All cats old enough to catch their own prey meet below Fern- rock for a clan meeting! *Birdstar purrs with pleasure as her clan gathers*. I have some anouncements... Freezepool is our deputy! Freezepool I have no doubt in my mind that you will serve the clan well!! Freezepool! Freezepool! Freezepool!!! *the clan echos her calls and Freezepool dips his head*. Fernsong is now our medicine- cat. Your healing skills will make our clan proud!!! Fernsong! Fernsong! Fernsong!!! We now have Beewing, Muffinfur, and my mate Firestorm as warriors thanks a bunch to you three!!!! Beewing! Beewing! Beewing! Muffinfur! Muffinfur! Muffinfur!!! Firestorm! Firestorm! Firestorm!!!!! I also want to add that I'm working on the links. The Training Hollow, the Nursery, and my den are links now and I'm working on the rest!! Thanks to all of you. Meeting dismissed!!! *Birdstar leaps down from Fernrock and trots into her den*


This is where you can talk to the queens and play with the kits

Training Hollow

This is where the apprentices and their mentors train

Leader's Den

This is the leaders den. I sleep in a spot a little out of camp. It always feels good to relieve myself of the hustle and stress of clan life, not that I don't enjoy it. I sleep on the moss next to the waterfall. I fall asleep to the sound of the falls and the mist spraying my fur. I am sheltered by the leaves of maple trees in which I climb to survey my territory at dawn. Sometimes on warm summer mornings I swim in the glittering pool at the bottom! Please, make your self at home and tell me your troubles, your sorrows, and your laughs!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Join HERE !!!!!

To join Fernclan you need to:

1.   Put the cats name (make sure it is appropriate for a clan cat)
2. The role of the cat ( kit, apprentice, queen, warrior, or an elder)
3. Put a description for the cat
4. You can attach the picture if you want but otherwise I will find one for you! (tell me if it is ok because I can make changes)
5. Post the comment

Welcome to Fernclan

Welcome to Fernclan the clan within the forest! We dwell in the beautiful southern wood. Fernclan cats are peaceful, loyal, and gentle cats, but they will defend their territory and their clan mates with their lives as any clan would. These cats are excellent swimmers, hunters, climbers, and fighters! Their diet consists of a variety of birds, fish, squirrels, chipmunks, and mice. During times of peace we are respectful of other clans. In battle we are fierce and brave. Yet we make reliable allies! If you possess these qualities Fernclan is your home!!!!!

- Birdstar